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Recruitment And Selection

Diana Stewart, Director of the Local Government Staff Commission and Paula Hamilton, Senior HR Officer, are the contacts for the following services: Email: or

The Commission has prepared a recommended Code of Procedures on Recruitment and Selection for all councils to follow and assists local government with its recruitment and selection practices by:

  • Continuously improving the Code of Procedures on Recruitment and Selection to ensure that councils and the NIHE have effective recruitment practices which treat all applicants fairly and equally
  • Providing advice to councils on implementing the Code of Procedures on Recruitment and Selection
  • Independently administering recruitment processes, if required
  • Sending Observers to panels for senior posts in councils and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) to ensure that the Code of Procedures on Recruitment and Selection is being implemented.

3rd Floor
St Anne's House
15 Church Street
Telephone: (028) 9031 3200

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