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How We Make Decisions

This heading details the decision making processes and records of decisions.

Charges:Information is provided free of charge, or at the rate shown in the Commission’s Charging Structure for Published Information (see Appendix 1 of the Publication Scheme).

Class of InformationDescriptionRelevant Publications


Major Policy Proposals and Decisions


This information includes the following as detailed below:

Equality SchemeThis document sets out the Commission’s commitment to and proposals for fulfilling the statutory obligations to promote equality of opportunity and good relations in compliance with Section 75 and Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. 

Equality Scheme 

Section 75 Progress Reports to the Equality CommissionThe Commission submits annual Section 75 Progress Reports to the Equality Commission setting out its progress in implementing its Equality Scheme and Section 75 statutory requirements.

Section 75 Progress Reports

Code of Procedures on Recruitment and SelectionThis Code sets out good practice in recruitment and selection.  The Commission issues it as a statutory recommendation to the 11 councils.  All vacancies in councils are publicly advertised and recruited in line with the procedures in this Code.

Code of Procedures 

Equality Impact AssessmentsEquality Impact Assessments are carried out as timetabled and agreed in the Commission’s approved Equality Scheme under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act
Code of Conduct for Local Government EmployeesA model Code issued to councils as a statutory recommendation for them to build upon and individualise for their own councils to detail the conduct expected of council employees when carrying out their duties.

Code of Conduct

Commission MinutesMinutes of all Commission meetings are made and the full minutes are inspected by the Local Government Auditor. Copies of minutes are available on request only as confidential information must be removed before publication to the general public. Requests for a copy of minutes should be made to the 



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