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Review Of Public Administration

The Commission aims to provide leadership within local government in relation to HR matters arising from Local Government Reform and the Modernisation Agenda.

We aim to:

·        Assist the Strategic Leadership Board and related Policy Development Panels in HR and Capacity Building initiatives

·        Lead local government preparations for the HR aspects of RPA implementation and local government modernisation

·        Support the work of the Public Service Commission (PSC)

·        Assist NILGA in the implementation of the modernisation of the local government agenda

·        Contribute to specific local government or cross-sectoral implementation initiatives

·        Review developments in Organisation Design/Development techniques and recommending as necessary

·        Address staff capacity building issues through the LGTG and individual personal development plans

·        Promote the HR Standards as a model for best practice in councils

Currently we are involved in a number of statutory groups. 

3rd Floor
St Anne's House
15 Church Street
Telephone: (028) 9031 3200

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