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Commission Members

As of 1 April 2023, The Commission consists of nine members and a Chairman, appointed by the Minister responsible for local government, and they are chosen for their expertise and specialist skills in a wide range of functions. The announcement to appoint the current membership was made by Minister Mark H Durkan, MLA, on 16 December 2014. The Commission is scheduled to meet regularly and meets at least four times per year and the current membership has been appointed to serve from 1st December 2014 to 31 March 2017, however, the Minister extended the term from 1 April 2017 until such times as the Commission is officially dissolved.

Mr Bumper Graham (1,2)Former Assistant General Secretary, NIPSA
Vice Chairperson 
Mrs Bernie KellyFormer SDLP Councillor, Belfast City Council Former Assistant Director of Physical and Sensory Disability Services, Belfast Health and Social Services Trust, Development Manager, Shared Lives Plus
Mr Charlie MackChief Executive, Cranstoun Group
Mrs Hilary Singleton, OBE (1)Former Practising Solictor
Miss Lindsay Boal (2)Self-Employed Barrister
Ms Monica Burns (2)Internal Health Development Consultant
Mr Paul Corrigan (2)Independent Investigator and Arbitrator (Former Director of Logistics, Royal Mail) Non-Executive Director, Northern Health and Social Care Trust (from June 2022)
Prof. Robert Hutchinson (1)Former Dean of the Ulster Business School and Provost University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus
Ms Roisin McDonough (1)Chief Executive, Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Mr William Francey, MBEFormer Director of Health and Environmental Services, Belfast City Council


(1) Members of the Audit Committee

(2) Members of the Staffing Committee


Public Appointments

The ususal length of term is four years, however the Minister extended the term of office from 1 April 2017 until such times as the Commission is officially dissolved.

Staff Commission BoardPosition Date of Appointment


(Attendance at Meetings per 24 hrs)

Mr Bumper Graham



5 October 2020

1 February 2013

£15,900 per annum

Ms Bernie Kelly


Vice-Chairperson1 December 2014£126

Mr Charlie Mack


Member1 December 2014£126

Mrs Hilary Singleton OBE


Member1 December 2014£126

Ms Lindsay Boal


Member1 December 2014£126

Mrs Monica Burns


Member1 December 2014£126

Mr Paul Corrigan


Member1 December 2014£126

Prof. Robert Hutchinson


Member1 December 2014£126

Mrs Roisin McDonough


Member1 December 2014Not claimed

Mr William Francey MBE


Member & Chair of the Audit Committee1 December 2014£126

Please click here to view the press release issued
by the Department of the Environment Minister announcing
the appointment of the current Commission.

The Code of Conduct for Staff Commission Members 2020 details the standards expected from Commission members when carrying out their role as Commission members. The Commission's Management Statement should be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct.

The Commission meetings are convened in line with the Standing Orders 2021.



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St Anne's House
15 Church Street
Telephone: (028) 9031 3200

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